Instructions to get the Engduino with Bluetooth Module communicating with
an Android Application made with TouchDevelop using Cordova
This guide will be using the Android Emulator on the computer to allow for a single set of
instructions. This means that you will need an Intel Processor that supports Intel VT-x. However, if
you choose to develop using an actual device, you will need to enable Android ADB, as well as
setting the device to debug mode. Refer to http://www.redmondpie.com/how-to-set-up-android-adb-
1. You will need the Android SDK. (I will be using API 19 – Android 4.4.2)
a. Install the latest version of the Java SE Development Kit (JDK)
b. Install the latest version of the Android SDK Tools
i. Make a note of the destination folder (default is
c. Install at least the following:
i. Tools/Android SDK Tools
ii. Tools/Android SDK Platform-tools
iii. Tools/Android SDK Build-tools
iv. Everything under Android 4.4.2 (API 19)
v. Everything under Extras
1. The Intel HAXM module may fail to install. This is not a problem and
addressed in the next step
d. Install Intel HAXM https://software.intel.com/en-us/android/articles/intel-hardware-
i. HAXM is required for Android Emulation on Intel CPUs. It also requires that Intel
VT-x (Virtualisation Technology) is enabled. If installation of HAXM fails, check
your BIOS to see if VT-x is enabled
e. Launch Android AVD Manager and create a new Android Virtual Device
i. Make sure you select Android 4.4.2 – API Level 19 as the Target
f. Add the SDK\platform-tools and SDK\tools folders to your System Path Variable where the
SDK is the installed location of the android SDK (by default it is
g. Install Win-ANT v7 https://code.google.com/p/winant/downloads/list
i. This will also require the JDK to be installed
2. The Engduino needs to be set up.
a. Make sure the Bluetooth Module is connected
b. Install the Arduino IDE http://arduino.cc/en/Main/Software
c. Download the Engduino Extension example and libraries from
d. Copy the files into the Arduino IDE installation location, following the folder layout